

余思韵鼎盛官网(中国)股份有限公司官网音乐艺术研究院编译,《音乐中国》编辑助理。中山大学工学学士星海音乐学院文学硕士(音乐文献翻译方向),师从任达敏教授。2016-2017年,团中央、商务部选派加入第七批中国青年志愿者海外服务计划赴非洲塞舌尔国家演艺学院任钢琴教师,表现出色获中国驻塞舌尔大使馆特颁嘉奖令。自2018年起参与Jounral of Music in China /《音乐中国》编译工作,发表译文若干。



Zhang Zhentao [Yu Siyun, trans.], “Females in Rural Music Services: A Note after the Field Trip in Northern Shanxi.”Journal of Music in China, 2018(1):59-66.

Ulanjie [Yu Siyun, Deng Xinming, and Liang Yun, trans., finalized by Zhou Qinru], “White the Milk, Green the Grassland, and Beautiful the Songs of My Folks: My Life with Mongolian Music.” Journal of Music in China, 2018(1):67-98.

Qi Yi and Rong Yingtao [Yu Siyun,trans.], “Taking Responsibility to Save the Cultural Remains in Folk Music: A Summary of the Investigation, Filming, and Study of the Musical ICH in Gaobeidian City and Xiongxian County.” Journal of Music in China, 2018(2):49-57.

Rong Yingtao [Yu Siyun,trans.], “Report of the Investigation of Hanzhuang Music Association in Xiongxian County.” Journal of Music in China, 2018(2):61-81.

Li Jiti [Yu Siyun, trans.], “Go My Way: A Talk Begun with the 4th Reprint of the Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Chinese Music.” Journal of Music in China, 2019(1):124-134.

Cai Jizhou, Xiang Wen [Yu Siyun, trans.], “Bashu and Jingchu Music-Cultural Zones in the Long River Reaches: A Demarcation with Musical Database.” Journal of Music in China, 2019(2):279-297.

Tsai Tsung-Te [Yu Siyun trans.], “Decline and Rebirth: The Development of Indonesian Wayang Cina-Jawa.” Journal of Music in China, 2020:23-56.

Xu Tianxiang [Yu Siyun, trans.], “An Early Cross-Cultural Folksongs Collection in Eastern Inner Mongolia.” Journal of Music in China, 2020:187-200.

Gereltu [Yu Siyun, trans.], “A Brief Introduction to Mongolian Long Song Urtin Duu.” Journal of Music in China, 2021(1):49-66.

Zhou Qinru, Yu Siyun. “On the Call for Contributions of Original Chinese-English Bilingual Music Paper.” Journal of Music in China, 2021(1):138-146.


Francesco Serratore [Yu Siyun, trans.], From Urban Anthropology to Multi-sited Ethnography: An Analysis of Musical Identity of Wenzhou Diasporas in Milan. Journal of Music in China, 2021(2):169-186.

Meng Fanyu [Yu Siyun and Zhou Qinru trans.], Tracing the Origin of Dunhuang Ganwuju Exorcist Songs. Journal of Music in China, 2021(2):231-262.